Sunday, September 4, 2011

september 7_art1 4A

Bring in something to read next Tuesday.

ACT Word of the Day.

Fill in everything on time sheet. 5 points off for blanks.

Look at assignment score sheets.
Have you filled it in correctly and copied in the objectives?

assignment objectives:

Title: Line drawing

1. Create a drawing using a variety of lines.
2. Lines should show value. Some should be black and some should be dark to lighter grays.
3. Show pattern and motif.
4. Fill the entire space.
5. Have a center of interest.

look at patterns

line drawing link

Do today:
1. ACT word
2. Line drawing. I will give your drawings to you. Some should start over.
3. Time sheets

end of sept 7

4. Make sketchbooks

last 30 minutes:
grade time sheets, pattern sketches, collect large drawings

skill building activity:

vocabulary: pattern, motif

completion according to objectives

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