No hall passes the first 15 minutes or the last 15 minutes of class.
Find images for radial balance assignment.
Find photos of:
3 animals
3 organic shapes (such as flowers or leaves)
3 photos that you choose
Use magazines for photos or find pictures from your Netbook.
If you use magazine photos, adhere them in sketchbooks, leaving room for a sketch next to each one.
If you find photos using your Netbook, sketch the image in your sketchbook.
You should not being playing games on you Netbooks.
This sketch will be a "motif" sketch that will be used in the radial balance assignment. You should finish the motif sketches today.
Due today:
1. Timesheets for 10/31 and 11/3. Fill in each column. If you were absent on a date, write absent.
2. ACT words on a new ACT word sheet.
3. 9 photos or sketches in your sketchbook.