Sunday, January 8, 2012

art 1 1A_jan 10 & 12

You should make every effort to finish work when it is due. Late work, if it is accepted, will receive 75 % of what the grade would have been if the assignment was turned in on time.

Daily and weekly work such as Time sheets and ACT words are due each week. If they are not completed on time, the grade will be a zero and cannot be made up. If you are absent you are still responsible for turning in the work when you return to school.

Electronic devices
Cell phones, portable music players, headphones, earbuds, and other electronic devices are not permitted. This is a school rule.

If I see one of those items, I will ask you to give it to me.

If you give it to me, I will give it back to you at the end of class.

If you choose not to give it to me, or contiunue to break this rule, I will write a referral.

The only exception is your school-issued laptop & ear buds, I believe. That means if you are using your school-issued laptop and ear buds for assigned work, this is this point in time. This could change if my understanding is incorrect.

Regarding laptops, there are two things you should be doing in this class.
One is working on your assignments. The other is working in your sketchbook.

If you are using your laptop, you should be using it for one of those things. If you are not, you should put away your laptop.

Please bring a pencil to class. I cannot "loan" pencils. I'm just about out. You can also donate pencils.


1. Enter time sheet information:

Jan 4 Sketchbooks & folders
Jan 6 Texture squares

Jan 10 Texture squares, ACT words, timesheets
Jan 12 Texture, ACT words, timesheets

Be sure to fill in the Time Spent column for each day

2. ACT words

jan 10
rapport a close relationship or friendship

jan 12
mirth joy or merriment

3. Finish texture worksheet

4. Work on texture rubbings