Saturday, August 20, 2011

august 23_line, pattern & motif

Check Gradespeed.

Update timesheets from last week. Write title of assignment on Assignment Score sheets. If you made a zero for your scoresheet grade, fill it out and I will correct that on Thursday.
Write me a note....."Update my grade from a zero".

Some of the drawings were "incomplete". If you think you deserve a better grade, let me know.


subject: line

Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.

Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions Students will use knowledge of both structures and functions. Course Level Expectations (CLEs) The student will
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design.


Assignment Score sheet for Line Drawing

Pencil on paper and move the pencil. What have you made?

Let's look at your drawings. Describe your lines.

Draw a variety of lines on the Assignment sheet. 15?

Link to:


the assignment:
Create a drawing, emphasizing stylized lines, based on your first still life drawing. Use your first drawing as a reference. The lines should show variety and repetition. Pattern and motif should be displayed in the drawing.

First, sketch this out on a small piece of paper. Create a sketch for your major drawing. Base this on the first drawing, but use more "designed" line. Show motif and pattern.

Create a large version of this drawing with at least 7 different types of lines. Repeat lines and patterns. Two to three day assignment.

assignment objectives:
1. Create a drawing using a variety of lines.
2. Lines should show value. Some should be black and some should be dark to lighter grays.
3. Show pattern and motif.
4. Fill the entire space.
5. Have a center of interest.


Line_the path made by a moving point. A continuous mark on a surface.

Pattern_a two-dimensional decorative visual repetition.

Motif_a unit that is repeated in visual rhythm (suggest movement through repetition). Units in a motif may or may not be an exact duplicate of the first unit.

your grade:
Based on the objectives above.

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